Tuesday, May 18, 2010


i watched this video posted by MJ in her FB which she took from the utube which was posted by mariahairey..ok..one long connecting intro i have here..so back to the main story..

this video is about a cat named Hero which was "amputated" by a homosapien species which i would like to refer as ''it''..for further story of why, what, who and how please do review the video below..n do prepare some tissues..

tears immediately streaming out of my eyes while and after i watched this video..the cat still alive and healthy even after what had happen to him..i don't think Hero received any anesthetic prior the "amputation"..but he was very determined to be alive..because he believe in Allah..because he knows Allah is always there for him..even he had lost both front legs he still have the other two..n also Allah..besides..thanks also to mariahairey..u both sure will get the reward if not now but in the afterlife..insyaAllah..^_^

i kept on thinking..wut would happen if it happen to me?will i be as strong as Hero?

even I've never met u..but i do love u..Hero..


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