She went for an interview at Spansion...very near to her neighbourhood (our as well)..
She was told that there will be only ONE interview..yup ONE...
The interview went very well...the interviewer (what so ever) was very keen on her small business of making frozen currypuff (hey..i don't know that..x cter pon..=P) she explained A-Z regarding the making of her frozen currypuff (sy nk rs tau!!hee..)...they chit chat..blablabla...(awk x cter ape lg korg sembg so sy wat blablabla je la ek..hehe)
Then the interview end with thank you from both parties (belasah je ni..)..the interviewer asked her to wait up for a sec (pndai je sy ni..hehe) she waited..lalalalala~~
"Excuse me, Mrs who-will-train-u-if-u-get-this-job want to have a word with u", said the secretary..(hehe..)
She was very nervous..a cloud of every-thought surrounded her cerebrum..
"will it be a good news or bad?"
"oh!my 2nd interview?no it can't be.."
"Err..miss..could u please come in", the secretary interrupted..
"Oh..certainly..sorry..'', she replied and headed towards the room of Mrs who-will-train-her-if-she-get-the-job (awk x gtau sy nme dier jgk..hehe)..
In the room,
"i was very interested with your business (frozen currypuff)..could u tell me the process..i think i would like to try some", said the lady with a big smile..
With a big grin she explained the process..for the 2nd time with the different people..(cpt btol dorg bergosip..hehe)
Few days later, she got a call from the company..she GOT the JOB!!!....
at last dpt jgk keje kn..dkt lak tu ngn rumah..jeles ok..hehe..well done!!
keje rjin2 ye..gaji 1st blnje sy..jgn lupe..=P
really happy for u..^_^
2nd interview 2 kn..few days after la..haha :P
sowila xcite in details sgt huhu :(
1st interview : kamis (24/6)
2nd interview : selasa (29/6)
offer letter : jumaat (2nd july)
jom2 bowling...asalkn awk bwk sy no hal la...:) dh slh tu..hehe..xpela..jd la cerita dongeng..bkn la kisah bnr lg..hehe.. byk2 my 6th eyes k..=P
nak ikut g bowling~~~~~~ heheheh
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