Sunday, September 26, 2010

it is not as bad as u think it is..

Greeting earthlings!! i come in peace to tell u a story of me being a PRP in the enforcement..hehe..

it has been a month i've endured myself in the area of enforcement..i get to know more about how the pharmacist work in that area..which is way different from the pharmacist practice in the hospital..

at first i was really down as i could not practice in the hospital at the moment when most of my friends had started practicing in the hospital..but now..i'm happy that i'm in the enforcement line..wohoooo!! now i see the bright side of it..Alhamdullilah..

yesterday was when i realized the benefit of staying in the enforcement..hehe..

i joined the FRP (fully registered pharmacist) to open up a booth at an event held in UiTM Kampus Puncak Alam which was Pharmacy Open Day organized by my juniors (i'm so proud of u guys)..

at the booth i'll entertain those who came and explained what they should know as a them a piece of advise to be careful in choosing their medication and cosmetics..we even displayed products that were not registered under KKM (Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia) ..and those that contain dangerous poison (such as hydroquinone)...

there's one man came to the booth and asked for a tip on how to reduce the pimple scars on his face..he sure do asked a lot of question..suddenly he saw the bottle of the product that contains hydroquinone...he said that he had use it before..the seller mentioned to him that the liquid can get rid of dead cliques Izzana told him that it does not only remove the dead cell but also the healthy cells..he then told us that he felt burning sensation upon applying the liquid onto his face..later on the skin of the face darken in colour..i can see myself his face with some burning scars..

those who came and have a look of the products claimed that they had seen those product being sold in some pharmacy or toko2 guys be careful ok..i think in my next post i would like to give some tips on choosing the right or at least some safety steps in choosing products to treat disease or cosmetics..coming right up after this post!!..^_^

being responsible as one of the exhibitor for the booth give me confident to face the public..i'm no longer the nervous me..i've proved it yesterday..i think i'm ok now (sape lg nk puji kalo bkn dri sndri..lalala..) out information to those who needs new is a bless..i feel so good for at least to let them know something they didn't know..

other than that, i also learn that there's always a rainbow behind the rainy cloud..i'm so happy..lalalala~~


Unknown said...

happy for u too...
keep up d gud work, dear!
jgn lupe update on d infos ok!

Leeya said...

heheh..tenkiu...knyh..ayu lupe nk post yg psl safety tips tu..aiyoo..wknd lak..tgguuuuu...^_^

MRS CAI said...

azi sy br tahu awk tuka address blog.. huhu...

kawan sy guna hydroquinone tuh!! dhla mahal gila.