Monday, June 28, 2010

now only i know..

yesterday i joined my high school gathering..the food were delicious..n the friends were awesome..really had a great nite..chatting n laughing ..update on our current life..stadi mne..dh abes ke..keje mne..all sort of similar questions..hehe..

i even get new update which was supposed to be updated 8 years back??=P

the situation : i was talking with my form 3 classmates (I,W & N)

below are the conversation on how the secret revealed..

I: W aku tau cter kau ms pmr dlu..

W: hah2..ko jgn nk cter..snyp2 sudaaa...

I: aku nk cter jugak...korg nk tau x cmne W leh dpt math A ms pmr..pdhal exam2 biase xde la gempak pon..

W : wei..I jgn r..(smbil gelak2)

sy lak confuse dorg ni nk cter ape..while N asik tunjuk2 kt sy je..

I: W tiru azi laaaa...azi dh siap jwp..baik punyer ltk krts jwpn kt tepi meje...

W : ye la wei..aku dh xtau nk jwp..terpksa la..dh nk abes ms aku xdpt A pon..B je..hehehehe..

Me : ke..gler ah..hehehehehe...serius x sdar pon bnde tu sumer...hehehehe

now only i know...rupe2nyer sy penah terlibat dlm kes tiru ms exam..ehehehe..

i wonder ape lg secrets yg sy xtau tp dorg tau...hehe..

in future to come...if ader gathering another 5 years..msti soaln dh tuka jd..ank bpe org..skrg tggl mne..keje cm ne..i wonder how my answers will be like?heeee~~

time fly like the butterfly~~ (ade kaitn ke?hentam saja lah labuuuuuu...=P)

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