1st impression...alalala..sweetnyer..quite a beauty lady holding a cute kitten.. tajuk video lak cm opposite..eemmmm...
suddenly that the beauty lady transform into a lunatic-super-duper-crazy-women (again i would like to refer as it) stomped onto the helpless kitten..with it high heel it squash the kitten..put the heel into the kitten mouth even the eyes..step onto the kitten lil legs..
i can't watch more..forward to the end of the video..the heel now squashing the head..blood...
i'm not posting the video here..it was so horrible..huhu..poor kitty.. knpe wujud org x berhti perut cmtu..blh x mule belai2 kitten tu..tbe2 pijak2 like bnde tu ank patung..n blh lak another person record the whole thing...HELLO!!!
seriously i was very2 mad if that happen in front of me.. huhu.. kalo ye pon xske kucing..xperlu la wat cmtu..leave them alone..huhu..Dear crazy peoples out there who like to treat animal badly..please do me some favor.. KILL URSELF!!u r acting like u have empty skull..no brain ok!! even animals won't do something as horrible as that... entry kali ni mybe bunyi sgt mrh..mmg sgt..huhu..geram ok.. i'm totally pissed off..huh!
p/s: please love ur nature..love those creatures..let them be alive..don't torture them..they did not want to harm u or what (would an adult cat do such thing to a human baby)...please..we r human..we have brain..we have mind..we can think... use it..wisely..
i swear to myself..i'm not going to watch such video anymore..it is a trend we called as torture porn..those yg lemah smgt sgt bhy to watch such things (leh jd gila)..thx aisyah for the info..never realize bout that..
there is a market for those cruelty-based videos. people actually pays to see small animals tortured by sexy women.sigh*
really?gler btol..huh!
they shud be punish as what they had done to the animals..
sye p0n x sggp tgk,,,,,
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