uia dh stat keje...
um dh dpt placing..
uitm bler?? (org KKM tu kate mybe tgh bln 8 or bln 9)
hoho..sgt la berdebar..pape pon hrp2 sgt2 hrp dpt kt Hospital Tengku Ampuan Rahimah, Klang (HTAR)..
did i just said HTAR?
hehe..btol la tu..huuu..dlu2 bkn main lg x ske ngn HTAR..sbb hosp tu sgt buruk n bz n rmi org bersalin kt c tu smpai Ketua Pegawai Farmasi (KPF) kt c tu gtau jgn bersalin kt hosp tu (err..ape kaitan ngn posting lak?)..aaarrghhh!!!
but thinking on the bright side..tu la hosp yg plg dekat ngn rumah tau x azilea????
xyah pk nk sewa umah if dpt HTAR..huuuu...
cm budak2 la azilea ni..dewasa la sket!!aiyaaa~~~
p/s : posting pas raya la senang..leh puase n ry puas2 kt umah ngn mak ayah n tam2..n leh kutip last minit duit ry lg..leh cuti tnpa pk nk kne amik cuti..heeeee..^_^
Smile to the world and the world will smile back to u... Be kind to everyone, InsyaAllah they will be kind back to u.. Stick with Allah, He will DEFINITELY stick with u..^_^
Friday, July 30, 2010
Thursday, July 29, 2010
my mami
arini nk cter psl nenek belah mak sy...atau lebih glamer dgn pnggilan mami oleh cucu2nya..special tau..
menurut kate arwah apak, mami ni asal nyer dr klurga cina..sbb tu la putih abes..mata pon cm sepet sket..
ms mude2 dlu mami cantik sgt..sweet je..skrg mami comel sgt..hehe..
mami ni x byk sgt ckp ngn cucu2 bler berckp kdg2 tu lwk..skt perut gelak..hehe..
innocent je mami..if dier nk sesuatu..dier x ckp direct..msti cm berdalih2..cth ader satu ari ni dier ckp.."kalo dpt mkn pisang goreng ptg2 ni sedap jgk ni" kami cucu2 mami pon almaklum la...ptg tu jgk kuar g cari pisang goreng..x terpk pon nk goreng sndri..hehe..yg pnting dpt jgk mami mkn pisng goreng ptg tu..heee...
mami ni jgk x ske amik gmbr..dier kate dh tua..buruk la pd ktorg mami mami ttp cute tau..heee..ader skali tu ktorg tgh bergmbr time ry mami ckp "bler nk abes begmbr nyer..nk pergi jln raya ni"..hehe..amik kne sound free2..=P
betapa x ske nyer mami bergmbr..sedaya upaya dier tutup muke ader cth..hehe..wawan (adik sy) pon join mami skali..dh mcm nk g mahkamah mne je dh..=P
jd utk amik gmbr ngn mami..or amik gmbr mami..kte kne jd professional..kne pndai2 la nyorok2..n ini lah one of the best..haaa...sape kate mami x kiyut tu mami..heee...
nme pon dh berumur kn..mcm2 skt mcm2 ubt jgk dier mkn..g mne2 msti bwk bakul ubt dier..mami ni comply tau..kalah cucu dier sorg ni..hehe..
kdg2..bler mami dok umah dier tny la sy psl ubt2 dier ni..dgn yakinnyer sy pon mengexplain la kt mami..dgn rasminyer mami dh jd pesakit pertama sy!!yay!!
ader skali tu ktorg ajak mami kuar skali..bekeras dier xnk..dan bermula sesi kelentong..
kaknyah : mami jom la ikut ktorg
mami : aishhh..xmo la...malas nak jln..
kaknyah : alaaa..mami..jomla..kejap lg org nk dtg sembur nyamuk tu....
mami : aih...xpe ler..
saya : nanti dorg nk sembur dlm umah jgk mami..sumer org kene kluar..
mami : (dgn muke serius) ish..jgn bg dorg sembur dlm umah..nt lntai berminyak susah nk mop..
kami? diam seribu bhs..xtau nk jwp ape...gelak je laaaaa....hahahaha..sbnrnyer xde la serius..mmg lwk time tu..hehe..sori mami..

haa...skrg nk cter psl gmbr ni lak..pokok bertuah ni ader kat satu tmpt mkn ni..ape ek nme dier..lupe cm jual2 donut..cozy kot tmpt tu..mknan pon sedap..i likeee~~
tp bkn la nk cter psl tmpt tu pon..nk cter psl mami..hehe..
stelah pnt usha2 nk dok mne..kami pon menuju ke arah meja yg telah ditakdirkn utk ktorg..baru je duduk..tbe2..
mami : (smbil jari telunjuk menghala ke arah objek bulat ijau ini smbil tersenyum simpul) ingt kn kepala org td...
beberapa ketika kemudian....
mami : mcm mne blh idup pokok tu..elok je..
saya : tu pokok plastik mami...
mami : laaa..plastik ke..mcm betol..
comel je mami ni..hehe..dlm skt2 kaki tu leh lak tbe2 bersmgt ajak ktorg g jln2 lg..perli ktorg ek mami?hehe..
oooo...mami jgk penah nk carikkn calon utk sy..bertuah rs..hehe..dialog mami..
mami : c ni jap ayu (smbil tgn melambai ke arah sy) ayu nk knl ngn bdk kuale x?
saya : sape mami?
mami : baik budaknyer..bru abes blaja UM..ank pah sa..ayu kwn2 la ngn dier..
saya : hehehehehehehe...mami npe nk knl kn kt ayu?farah?kaknyah?kakyong?atira?alyana? (amik abes sumer cucu pmpn mami sy sebut)
mami : dier baya kaknyah..muda dr kakyong..farah lmbt lg nk abes blaja..
saya : hehehehehehehe..xpela mami..ayu dh ader dh..heeeeee...
ms sembng ngn mami psl tu rs pns je muke..dilate sumer blood vessel kt muke ni..hehehe..
ader jgk time2 yg bersedih ngn kt HKL (May 2005)..doc bru cabut all the machine yg support it is the end of apak's life..sedey sgt..after sy tgk apak kt blek g dok kt sebelah mami..pgg tgn dier..
mami : apak dh xde (dgn nada yg perlahan n sayu)
huhu..mami..tenang nyer mami...she just lost her loves one..the one she eat with..the one she talk to..the one she argue with..the one she had spent more than 50 years together..mami ayu hrp ayu pon leh jd cm mami jgk..
tau mami xkn bc blog ni..but just want u to know that i love much2..syg mami..muah2..
p/s : pjgnyer entry psl blog post is not enuff to talk bout u mami..^_^
Monday, July 26, 2010
Activity 1 : went to puspakom to settle the things with my car..
Activity explanation : que up to fill in a form > fill in the form & pay RM35 > que up for the car to be checked > wait > done > pay another RM25 > wait again to be called > wait > wait > wait > wait > wait > wait > wait > oh i can't be patience anymore > went to the counter;
'excuse me, have u done with my car?'
she was eating the jambu, picked up my car's document which was left ALONE on the table
'oh! lg satu cop n sign'
how come u r so @%$!*&^()(@&^# (ckp dlm ati je)
cop n sign..THE END
Lesson : sometimes being TOO patient will lead u to waste your time..
Lesson to them : keje tu cekap2 sket leh x..haih~~
Activity 2 : Dental check up @ Klinik Kesihatan Bukit Kuda
Activity explanation : que up to register > register > wait for my num to be called 1069 current number was 1047 > wait >wait >wait > wait > wait > wait > 1068 room 2 > yay2 mine next > wait > 1065 room 1 > huh??? > wait > 1058 room 2 > what the?? > wait > 1063 room 1 > ok..another waiting test for me > 1069 room 1 > AT LAST!!!!! > went into the room > Dr check for less than a minute > DONE! > I ask the Dr;
"Is there anything more i have to do?"
"No, u r done. You can go back now."
"No, u r done. You can go back now."
Waiting hour : 1 1/2 hours for less than a minute procedure
Lesson : it is VERY normal in any hosp u went to..don't worry..
Lesson to them : keep it up!!
these 2 activities made my day matter what u do, where u r..when u have to wait..then u have to offense..
in my very-very near future, i'll be the person behind the will be my turn to be scold, mad, hated or any of those by the waiting people..oh my...
in my very-very near future, i'll be the person behind the will be my turn to be scold, mad, hated or any of those by the waiting people..oh my...
Wednesday, July 21, 2010

it is very nice to see a big family dine together..
it is very pleasant to see a big family having a holiday together..
it makes me smile when i see a big family laughing together..
it is just so sweet to see a big family stay there for one another..
no matter how big or small a family is..
they will always be your family..
thank you Allah for this family of mine..
Sunday, July 18, 2010
malas dah nk kisah
am i too kind?
or am i that evil?
malas dah nak kisah
malas dah nak tegur
now they will not even bother to say HELLO..
now they will be DIFFERENT (and so do u)..
now they will COME to u only when they NEED u..
Thank you..
i'll be waiting...
p/s: one of the so-called emo labelled post dikala ketandusan idea..hehe..xleh blah..=P
or am i that evil?
malas dah nak kisah
malas dah nak tegur
now they will not even bother to say HELLO..
now they will be DIFFERENT (and so do u)..
now they will COME to u only when they NEED u..
Thank you..
i'll be waiting...
p/s: one of the so-called emo labelled post dikala ketandusan idea..hehe..xleh blah..=P
Friday, July 16, 2010
sedang sy asyik menonton cerita Meet The Robinson..tbe2..
ting tong! (bunyi loceng umah)...
ape lg la org jual2 ni nk..haih~~
ting tong!
ish..xleh tgk org sng..
eh..ank2 jiran rupenyer...nk jemput g umah ke ape?
sy pon kluar...
"akak..tlg amikkn selipar sy...tuuuu..."
"eh cm ne leh msuk dlm umah ni?"
" main sepak2 bola..."
"terima kasih kakak"
comel je..main sepak2 bola smpai tercmpk selipar msuk umah org lain..nk amik sndri tp pagar umah sy susah nk bukak sket..cian dorg..hehe..
cmtu la..walau sekecik mne pon pertolongan seseorg kpd kite..ucap la terima kasih..x susah pon..sng je..kn2..hrp2 sy pon cm tu..
p/s: sopan je dia ckp terima kasih..hope kekal la kesopanan tu ye dik..^_^
melentur buluh biarla dr rebungnyer...
ting tong! (bunyi loceng umah)...
ape lg la org jual2 ni nk..haih~~
ting tong!
ish..xleh tgk org sng..
eh..ank2 jiran rupenyer...nk jemput g umah ke ape?
sy pon kluar...
"akak..tlg amikkn selipar sy...tuuuu..."
"eh cm ne leh msuk dlm umah ni?"
" main sepak2 bola..."
"terima kasih kakak"
comel je..main sepak2 bola smpai tercmpk selipar msuk umah org lain..nk amik sndri tp pagar umah sy susah nk bukak sket..cian dorg..hehe..
cmtu la..walau sekecik mne pon pertolongan seseorg kpd kite..ucap la terima kasih..x susah pon..sng je..kn2..hrp2 sy pon cm tu..
p/s: sopan je dia ckp terima kasih..hope kekal la kesopanan tu ye dik..^_^
melentur buluh biarla dr rebungnyer...

Thursday, July 15, 2010
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
spjg "percutian" sy di umah kaknyah...jrg sekali sy mengupdate fb..rupe2nyer..bykkkkkkk
btol bnde kne setelkn A.S.A.P..thx to my friends...yg sgt rajin update all the
important information kt group fb kte..tnpa korg..blur la azilea..heee..
jd..esk..bermule pengembaraan utk mnyetelkn perkara2 yg x setel lg..demi ms dpn..
apkah perkara tersebut?
1st - lapor dri kt JPA dgn mnegepost dokumen2 yg JPA nk
2nd - post surat setuju terima perlantikn kpd SPA ku syg
3rd - post salinan surat twrn perlntikn kpd Lembaga Farmasi Msia
4th - medical check up
5th - sain surat aku jnji/sumpah dpn pesuruhjaya
6th - wat acc KWSP
(4th - 6th : aturan mungkin berubah) npe kne wat sumer ni?utk ape?
utk keje la..
what?awk nk keje dh?seriusly??
xcaye nk lyn..=P
hoho..merepek kjp..hehe..
bkn tu je..kne gak update info diri utk konvo nyer xleh pon nk wat..xpe2..
pape pon...mulekan dgn..bismillah...^_^

btol bnde kne setelkn A.S.A.P..thx to my friends...yg sgt rajin update all the
important information kt group fb kte..tnpa korg..blur la azilea..heee..
jd..esk..bermule pengembaraan utk mnyetelkn perkara2 yg x setel lg..demi ms dpn..
apkah perkara tersebut?
1st - lapor dri kt JPA dgn mnegepost dokumen2 yg JPA nk
2nd - post surat setuju terima perlantikn kpd SPA ku syg
3rd - post salinan surat twrn perlntikn kpd Lembaga Farmasi Msia
4th - medical check up
5th - sain surat aku jnji/sumpah dpn pesuruhjaya
6th - wat acc KWSP
(4th - 6th : aturan mungkin berubah) npe kne wat sumer ni?utk ape?
utk keje la..
what?awk nk keje dh?seriusly??
xcaye nk lyn..=P
hoho..merepek kjp..hehe..
bkn tu je..kne gak update info diri utk konvo nyer xleh pon nk wat..xpe2..
pape pon...mulekan dgn..bismillah...^_^

gambar sekadar hiasan
Friday, July 9, 2010
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
masa tadika dulu,
x sabar nk masuk sekolah..
nk pakai bju sekolah mcm kakak..haih
msuk sekolah,
x sabar je nak masuk U..
leh pakai ape2 aje..
xyah pakai uniform..haih..
msuk U,
ish..bler la nk abes blaja ni..
bler la nk keje ni...haih
msuk alm pekerjaan,
smlm kerja..
arini kerja..
esok kerja..
kn bgus kalo time belajar...haih
itula yg dinamekn manusia..
dpt yg ini mahukan yg itu..
dpt yg itu mahukan yg sana..
dpt yg sana mahukn yg ini semula..
x sabar nk masuk sekolah..
nk pakai bju sekolah mcm kakak..haih
msuk sekolah,
x sabar je nak masuk U..
leh pakai ape2 aje..
xyah pakai uniform..haih..
msuk U,
ish..bler la nk abes blaja ni..
bler la nk keje ni...haih
msuk alm pekerjaan,
smlm kerja..
arini kerja..
esok kerja..
kn bgus kalo time belajar...haih
itula yg dinamekn manusia..
dpt yg ini mahukan yg itu..
dpt yg itu mahukan yg sana..
dpt yg sana mahukn yg ini semula..

bersyukur dgn ape yg kita ada..
tatkala keluhan itu tiba..
beristghifar la kita..
Allah maha mendengar..
berdoa la agar diberi kekuatan..
Allah maha mengasihani..
berdoa la agar sentiasa dilindungi..
tatkala keluhan itu tiba..
beristghifar la kita..
Allah maha mendengar..
berdoa la agar diberi kekuatan..
Allah maha mengasihani..
berdoa la agar sentiasa dilindungi..
dedicated to myself n those who read this..^_^
p/s: 1st time post sumthing seserius ini...heee..serius x?=P
As what i had promised before..this is the 2nd episode of my personal stop smoking campaign..
In this episode, we will look upon the cost that have been spent by the smokers..u guys will be amazed...lalala~~
So here we have the minimum price for one box of cigarettes..
let say a smoker smokes a box of cigarettes a he would spent a total of RM6.20/day..
how bout for a month? --> RM186.00
how much he would spent if he smokes for a year? --> RM2232.00
what if he had been a smoker like 20 years? --> RM44640.00 is only for the amount that had been spent for the minimum price of a box of cigarettes..only if he smokes one box per day..
how bout those who spent more boxes per day?????
how bout those who had been smokers like more than 20 years????
the amount will definitely be much2 more higher...
there's a lot more we can do with that amount of money..
it can be use to pay the deposite for a new car..or renovate the house..or use to start our own business..or help those who in need..or get married..
see..what a waste to burn the money..sigh..
think twice before u light up the it the pleasure of letting the carbon monoxide entering the lung or a healthy beautiful life with your love one come make the choice..^_^
here..let start keeping our money RM6.20/day (make it less it is your choice) won't hurt if they can spend RM6.20 for nothing..why not we keep it for something..
p/s: it is never too late to mend..^_^
In this episode, we will look upon the cost that have been spent by the smokers..u guys will be amazed...lalala~~
I cited this phrase from The Star Online (29th Oct 2009)
....minimum price for a pack of 20-stick cigarettes would be fixed at RM6.20....
So here we have the minimum price for one box of cigarettes..
let say a smoker smokes a box of cigarettes a he would spent a total of RM6.20/day..
how bout for a month? --> RM186.00
how much he would spent if he smokes for a year? --> RM2232.00
what if he had been a smoker like 20 years? --> RM44640.00 is only for the amount that had been spent for the minimum price of a box of cigarettes..only if he smokes one box per day..
how bout those who spent more boxes per day?????
how bout those who had been smokers like more than 20 years????
the amount will definitely be much2 more higher...
there's a lot more we can do with that amount of money..
it can be use to pay the deposite for a new car..or renovate the house..or use to start our own business..or help those who in need..or get married..
see..what a waste to burn the money..sigh..
think twice before u light up the it the pleasure of letting the carbon monoxide entering the lung or a healthy beautiful life with your love one come make the choice..^_^
here..let start keeping our money RM6.20/day (make it less it is your choice) won't hurt if they can spend RM6.20 for nothing..why not we keep it for something..
p/s: it is never too late to mend..^_^
curry puff
This post is dedicated to my dear friend...
She went for an interview at Spansion...very near to her neighbourhood (our as well)..
She was told that there will be only ONE interview..yup ONE...
The interview went very well...the interviewer (what so ever) was very keen on her small business of making frozen currypuff (hey..i don't know that..x cter pon..=P) she explained A-Z regarding the making of her frozen currypuff (sy nk rs tau!!hee..)...they chit chat..blablabla...(awk x cter ape lg korg sembg so sy wat blablabla je la ek..hehe)
Then the interview end with thank you from both parties (belasah je ni..)..the interviewer asked her to wait up for a sec (pndai je sy ni..hehe) she waited..lalalalala~~
"Excuse me, Mrs who-will-train-u-if-u-get-this-job want to have a word with u", said the secretary..(hehe..)
She was very nervous..a cloud of every-thought surrounded her cerebrum..
"Err..miss..could u please come in", the secretary interrupted..
"Oh..certainly..sorry..'', she replied and headed towards the room of Mrs who-will-train-her-if-she-get-the-job (awk x gtau sy nme dier jgk..hehe)..
In the room,
"i was very interested with your business (frozen currypuff)..could u tell me the process..i think i would like to try some", said the lady with a big smile..
With a big grin she explained the process..for the 2nd time with the different people..(cpt btol dorg bergosip..hehe)
Few days later, she got a call from the company..she GOT the JOB!!!....
at last dpt jgk keje kn..dkt lak tu ngn rumah..jeles ok..hehe..well done!!
keje rjin2 ye..gaji 1st blnje sy..jgn lupe..=P
She went for an interview at Spansion...very near to her neighbourhood (our as well)..
She was told that there will be only ONE interview..yup ONE...
The interview went very well...the interviewer (what so ever) was very keen on her small business of making frozen currypuff (hey..i don't know that..x cter pon..=P) she explained A-Z regarding the making of her frozen currypuff (sy nk rs tau!!hee..)...they chit chat..blablabla...(awk x cter ape lg korg sembg so sy wat blablabla je la ek..hehe)
Then the interview end with thank you from both parties (belasah je ni..)..the interviewer asked her to wait up for a sec (pndai je sy ni..hehe) she waited..lalalalala~~
"Excuse me, Mrs who-will-train-u-if-u-get-this-job want to have a word with u", said the secretary..(hehe..)
She was very nervous..a cloud of every-thought surrounded her cerebrum..
"will it be a good news or bad?"
"oh!my 2nd interview?no it can't be.."
"Err..miss..could u please come in", the secretary interrupted..
"Oh..certainly..sorry..'', she replied and headed towards the room of Mrs who-will-train-her-if-she-get-the-job (awk x gtau sy nme dier jgk..hehe)..
In the room,
"i was very interested with your business (frozen currypuff)..could u tell me the process..i think i would like to try some", said the lady with a big smile..
With a big grin she explained the process..for the 2nd time with the different people..(cpt btol dorg bergosip..hehe)
Few days later, she got a call from the company..she GOT the JOB!!!....
at last dpt jgk keje kn..dkt lak tu ngn rumah..jeles ok..hehe..well done!!
keje rjin2 ye..gaji 1st blnje sy..jgn lupe..=P
really happy for u..^_^
berdebar je td ms posmen dtg..dh la ms tu mmg tgh kt luar..posmen pon bg surat..sape punyer surat la ni...
tgk2.. name..
eh..from jpa (jabatan perkhidmatan awam)..
tachycardia sekejap..nk bukak td pon cm neves je...
sile lapor diri di jpa dlm tempoh 30 hari dr tarikh surat..
laaaa...lapor diri je ke jpa ni...
haih..ter konfius skjp jpa n spa (suruhanjaya perkhidmatan awam)..
but nevermind...
penantian bersmbung lg...
nk tggu abg posmen kt luar lg la esk..heee...=P

tgk2.. name..
eh..from jpa (jabatan perkhidmatan awam)..
tachycardia sekejap..nk bukak td pon cm neves je...
sile lapor diri di jpa dlm tempoh 30 hari dr tarikh surat..
laaaa...lapor diri je ke jpa ni...
haih..ter konfius skjp jpa n spa (suruhanjaya perkhidmatan awam)..
but nevermind...
penantian bersmbung lg...
nk tggu abg posmen kt luar lg la esk..heee...=P

Thursday, July 1, 2010
FOCUS pleaseeeee~~~
what do u feel when sum1 ask u about antiTB regimen but u cud not ans??
how will u feel when u forget the mechanism of action of the hypertension drugs??
what is in ur mind when sum1 ask the different potency of statin??
how do u feel if don't have even a single idea about the indication of a particular drug??
what is ur feeling when it seems that nothing left in ur brain..u like know nothing about any drugs u had learn before??

i had a discussion with my friend..
he asked those questions n a lot more..
then we continued our discussion..
he explained...i listened n nodded (understanding)..
i asked..he answered...we discussed further... knowledge is sooooooooooooooooooo little...
and so after i had realized what had happen to my dear ''motherboard''....
i'm now more motivated to STUDY!!!!
thank uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu........
it is true..without experience it is quite difficult to actually master A-Z of the drugs (Ms BNF, Mr KODA and Auntie Ridiculously..u guys will definitely be my besties after this)..
so azilea....please FOCUS on what u plan to do after this..
how will u feel when u forget the mechanism of action of the hypertension drugs??

what is in ur mind when sum1 ask the different potency of statin??
how do u feel if don't have even a single idea about the indication of a particular drug??
what is ur feeling when it seems that nothing left in ur brain..u like know nothing about any drugs u had learn before??

i had a discussion with my friend..
he asked those questions n a lot more..
then we continued our discussion..
he explained...i listened n nodded (understanding)..

i asked..he answered...we discussed further... knowledge is sooooooooooooooooooo little...
and so after i had realized what had happen to my dear ''motherboard''....
i'm now more motivated to STUDY!!!!

thank uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu........

it is true..without experience it is quite difficult to actually master A-Z of the drugs (Ms BNF, Mr KODA and Auntie Ridiculously..u guys will definitely be my besties after this)..
so azilea....please FOCUS on what u plan to do after this..

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