famous phrase among smokers if u r familiar with them..
i'm not smoking but i'm surrounded by them..huhu..i bet everyone of us do too..
1st let see..the "special" ingredients in cigarettes..
y waste on smoking the cigg when they can get free carbon monoxide directly from the car exhaust..
or have a cup of the liquid use as toilet cleaner..we have many brands in the market..even with nice scent..apple,rose..u named it..
or share the arsenic which is use to poison the rats..sharing is caring..
2nd..how bout the effect of inhaling those "precious" chemical?let the video do the explanation...
the smoke inhaled by the smokers contain tar (u know those black thick liquid use to make the street of highway)..these tars will of course make the lung as good as new..believe me?u should not..=P
just go n hold some tar..look at ur hand..what happen? it is enough to explain what happen to ur lung..^_^
and of course for smokers the damage would be even greater..
our lung is like two pair of sponge..their nature are being soaky so that we can breath normally..imagine the sponge being dried up..it will hardens right?same things occur to our lung when the smokes get into it..so smokers will end up having a disease such as chronic obstructive airway disorder (COPD) where by they may experience shortness of breath and coughing with phelgm (kahak)..this disease is irreversible..once u have it, bear with it as long as u live..
love ur brain people..yup..brain..smoking will affect the brain too..too much nicotine in the blood may cause blood to be thicken..imagine the blood enter the delicate blood vessel (salur darah) of the brain..more and more of the blood go to the brain..it become congested and congested until they stuck..the surrounding cell of the brain now does not get enough supply of oxygen..the cell die..this condition we named it as stroke..it may lead to paralysis of one side of the body, both side or even death..
is it just that?lung and brain?
nope..there's more..
the eyes..one of our precious sense..so that we can admire Allah's creation..^_^
however, with smoking..it may lead to blindness..based on the video..the blood vessel of the eyes are very delicate..very sensitive..again..smoking may increase blood pressure due to the effect of thick blood..so much pressure needed to push the blood may cause the blood vessel to burst..isn't it great??NO!!
one more gift for the smokers is artherosclerosis..it is a condition where by the insulted blood vessel in addition with the accumulation of cholesterol causes formation of plaques onto the wall of blood vessel..thus reduce the diameter of the blood vessel..when this happen..many consequences may follow..again the blood pressure might increase..the plaques can also be detach from it's origin and move along the blood vessel..it can be stuck at the narrower vessel..if it stuck in the vessel of the heart..TING TONG!heart attack delivery..
here..we can see that it first insult the flow of the blood..as we know our blood vessel distributed all over our body..there's no fullstop for them..thus, cigarettes smoking can harm the entire body system..
spread the words guys..please do stop before it is too late..and please don't even think to start..it do more harm than good..no good at all okay..
last but not least, ingatlah org yg tersyg..^_^
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